Aug 24, 2011

Pro-bono anyone?

Last week I mentioned in this post that I wanted to re-focus my blog.  I want to take Colors of Honey to the next level.  Having a business of my own has always been a dream of mine.  While I may not be there yet, I want to start taking the steps towards that goal.

obviously the first step is to create a product(yes, I am working on bigger product than what I have currently in my etsy shop).  Those of you who have been following me for a while can probably guess what that is.

The second, in my opinion anyways, would be branding and marketing.  Isn't the above image of the branding eye-catching?  This is where you come in.  I would love your tips, ideas and your help.  Have you been through this yourself before?  know anyone that would be able to work with my non-existent budget and would be able to help me create a brand of my own?  I know a little of what I need to do and how I can market myself and my product, but there is the creative end, the tying it all together that I just need an outsiders eye and help on.  come on, don't be shy, leave a comment or send me an email {}  I'm sure we could work something out!


Brandi said...

We still need to chat! I'm so sorry about last weekend. I'll be home for the next two days (and Sunday thanks to the weather) - IM me whenever you can. I think I have some ideas for you.

Unknown said...

Oh I wish I knew of a great way to help you out! I'm trying to start a business so the more I learn the more I could share with you. I'll put my thinking cap on!